800week remote live chat job

Currently hiring 4 people from all countries Do you like chatting on messaging apps like Whatsapp Twitter DM s Facebook Messenger and Snapchat Most people chat on these types of apps all the time but did you know there is a way you can get paid to chat It s called being a live chat assistant. Have you ever chatted to sales or support on live chat on a website Or on the Facebook or Instagram page of a business If you have you were chatting to a live chat assistant. And that person you were chatting to was receiving an hourly rate of 25 - 35 per hour just for chatting to you. Live chat assistants are in huge demand right now and in particular they are looking for more live chat workers from all countries.If you think this is something you would be interested in doing you can get started right away. CLICK HERE to get started. All the best



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