Senior Quality Engineer

COMPANY The Organization made important contributions to the advancement of cutting-edge engine technology as a pioneer in the car industry. Around 3 500 employees produce 27 million drivetrain components a year at ten locations in Germany Liechtenstein Hungary China the USA Brazil and Mexico. Complete camshafts valve train systems and rotor shafts for high-performance internal combustion hybrid and electric engines make up the majority of the product line. Different battery-powered vehicles may be made from a variety of materials. By using the right production and automation techniques the amount of emissions needed to enable environmentally responsible transportation may be greatly reduced.Your responsibilities Beyond what the quality operating system demands The Senior Quality Engineer must go. For a certain class of goods you are responsible for creating executing and defending quality assurance methods. As a Senior Quality Engineer I have a job. Total customer satisfaction is a crucial goal that can only be attained by satisfying certain client requirements and abiding by a set of regulations. This individual has to additionally promote ongoing improvements in product quality.Essential Duties and Responsibilities Act as Customer Representative to ensure customer requirements are addressed. Performs customer service and support activities with routine visits to customers. Responsible for customer Production Part Approval Process activities submission. Responsible for facilitating action on customer and supplier complaints activities and monitoring routinely until closure. Responsible for Complaint Management process of supplier and customer complaints. This includes the timeliness and accuracy of communication root cause and corrective actions. Responsible for customer debit activities. Product Safety Representative for all customer parts. YOUR PROFILE Education and or Experience Bachelor s Degree in a technical field plus 4-6 years of industry-related experience required. Quality experience preferred. Automotive experience preferred. Ability to read and interpret drawings. Thorough understanding of problem-solving and quality tools techniques. Other Qualifications and Abilities IATF 16949 8-D Analysis APQP PPAP Control Plan FMEA SAP and root-cause analysis experience preferred. Apply Here s 3TGjytF



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