We have been in business in Phoenix same location over 31 years.We service and repair ALL brands and ALL types of TV LCD Plasma Projection Stereos Amplifiers Sub-woofers Turntables Reel-to-Reel s Camcorders DVR s DVD s VCR s and more We have factory trained technicians we have LOW repair rates and fast repair times.We are the Phoenix area factory service center for Mitsubishi LG Zenith Sony Toshiba Sharp VIZIO JVC Denon Yamaha Onkyo and Pio neer Samsung Insignia and we repair ALL other brands as well.DON T THROW AWAY THOSE GOOD TV S STEREOS CAMCORDERS ETC. MOST CAN BE REPAIRED FOR A FRACTION OF THE COST OF NEW CALL US OR COME IN WE CAN HELP YOU OPEN MON. THRU FRI. 9AM TO 5PM AND SAT. 10AM TILL 2PM ARIZONA VIDEO ELECTRONICS 3241 EAST SHEA BLVD. 8 PHOENIX AZ 85028



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