Does Your Piano in Dubuque Iowa Need to Be Tuned

Piano Tuning and Repair in Dubuque IA - Piano Tuner for Dubuque IA 52001 For piano tuning repair refinishing keytop replacement regulation restoration and rebuilding in Dubuque Iowa please call Craig Clough at (309) 786-8617. If the answering machine is full please send an email using the craigslist email relay. Complete internal and external restoration of pianos. Player piano and harpsichord services are also available. Why not have your piano tuned by someone who can really play the piano and who knows how your piano should really play The price depends on the services that are provided. Serving the Dubuque IA area and greater Quad Cities region as a piano tuner since 1974 If you like I will even play a mini concert for you when I have finished tuning your piano Thanks Quad Cities Piano Tuning and Repair Websites Craig W. Clough on LinkedIns in craigclough Asburyia Balltownia Bankstonia Bernardia Cascadeia Centraliaia Dubuque Durangoia Dyersville EastDubuqueil Epworthia Farleyia Grafia HolyCrossia Luxemburgia NewViennaia Peostaia Rickardsvilleia Sagevilleia Sherrillia Worthingtonia Zwingleia52001 52002 52003 52040 52068 52046 52045 52039 52033 52073 52032 52053 52065 52078 52079 52004 52056 52099



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