Hiring a Butcher

Hiring a Butcher 1832840 Ontario Inc. o a North Hill Meats in Thornhill ON is looking for a Butcher to join our team. Position Available 1Wage C 17.30 per hourWork Hours 30 40 hours per week (full-time and permanent)Vacation 2 weeks of paid vacation per year or 4% of gross salary Work Location 8-248 Steeles Ave. West Thornhill ON L4J 1A1Language of Work English Main Job Duties include but are not limited to Cut trim bone and prepare standard cuts of meat and poultry for sale at self-serve counters or according to customers orders Grind and slice meats using powered grinders and slicing machines Shape lace and tie roasts and other meats or poultry Weigh meats for sale Wrap and display prepared meats and poultry Manage inventory keep records of meat sales Ensure food storage conditions are adequate to maintain freshness of products and food safety and sanitation standards are met Train other junior butchers and meat cutters if needed Requirements Education Completion of secondary school is required.Experience A minimum of 1 year of experience in meat cutting in food stores or related experience is required.Language English skills North Hill Meats hires on the basis of merit and is strongly committed to equity and diversity. We welcome applications from underrepresented groups including newcomers and aboriginal people. Please send your resume to northhillmeats.recruit(at)gmail.com if this position interests you. North Hill Meats (1832840 Ontario Inc.) 8-248 Steeles Ave. West Thornhill ON L4J 1A1



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