pure breed russian blue kittens

We re delighted to announce the birth of our newest litter After being fed by their mother kittens eat Katkin wet food and Royal Canin dry food. They have lots of cat trees and toys. Children and other cats share our family home with them as they grow up. We treat them with the utmost respect and take great pride in our job. Our kittens are adorable energetic and constantly joyful They are the best genetic representatives of this breed because their parents have a five-generation pedigree certificate and are registered for breeding. I have both my parents.We take pride in the fact that neither our stallion nor any of the kittens or cats are housed in cages or other forms of captivity. This requires a ton of work but it s well worth it when you see the contented little furry friends and hear all the positive comments from the new owners Kittens include Papers proving TICA registration (inactive) Blanket 1 set of different toys contract requiring the kitten s neutering by the new owner 1 bag of dry kitten food from Royal Canin complete immunization schedule and physical examination



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