Beloved pair boy and girl Scarlet Macaws.

Due to unfortunate situation I am having to sell my beloved pair boy and girl Scarlet Macaws. they truly are very special pair together. they are currently talking and picking up loads of new words every week. loves cuddles and head scratches. Loves to play and whistle to songs on the radio. I would ideally like them to go to an experienced owner . Who can give them time and love they deserves. Someone who knows they are forever birds and not gonna get bored of these two and leave them in their cage all the time they likes to be out of their cage as much as they can. They eats well loves seeds fruit vegetables and homemade chop. They comes with their cage all toys and a special avian stand UV light. I have all new photos and Cites certificate videos as proof this is a genuine add with money back guarantee. Contact us via email or text us (at) (316) 710 1362



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