Rare level lot on a creek

Located in one of the most magical and exclusive neighborhoods in the Lake Arrowhead area. The first cabins built in the canyon date back to 1895 when the canyon was U.S. Forest Service land. Today the Dogwood Blue Jay Canyon is home to 83 cabins on 160 acres. There are only two vacant lots in this private gated community and only this 1 3-acre level lot sits on the natural year-round creek. The house burned down about 20 years ago and now it awaits your cabin dreams. A great location for those seeking inspiration or simply an escape from the big city. Surround yourself with a forest of Dogwoods and Pines and walk the private trails that ramble through the community greenbelt. The HOA has their own water company with some of the most pristine water quality anywhere in the state. Click HERE for virtual tour and photos



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