The 26 Laws To Level Up- by Syreta Cameron

Finally a book that gets straight to the point. Giving you all the answers to no more worrying no more suffering no more failures The things they will never tell you all because they want to achieve success alone. But that changes now. For those having a hard time feeling lost especially after the recent pandemics or you re struggling and feeling helpless due to painful experiences things are about to change. Written in the beautiful country of Jamaica where hardships have persisted for decades Syreta the author discovered the crack in the walls of stagnation a way out that others won t openly share. She went through the pains and survived it all to create this powerful book called The 26 Laws to Level Up . It is an entire blueprint with all the wisdom you will ever need to take your life to the next level. Yes finally to that winning stage of success that you have been craving for years. No matter where you are in life or what you have been through it s never too late to live the life you always wanted. It s all up to you to make the right choice when the signs have been given to you. In this powerful book you will attain knowledge that will last a lifetime Discover The struggles of life and the solutions right under your nose. The biggest mistakes you re probably making right now in your life. The scientific secret facts that they never tell you. The 1 most powerful rule that you MUST never forget. How to build an instant connection with others. How to be happy and stop worrying. The secret to making good decisions NO MORE REGRETS. How to understand money so you can always have it and not chase it. Spicy Jamaican proverbs with meanings and so much more. On top of all that A BONUS is provided at the end of the book a bonus that you don t want to miss.The 26 Laws to Level Up was created to bridge the gap between being stuck to a life filled with happiness good health and wealth. All concepts are communicated in simple language to ensure easy understanding. Whether you are an aspiring entrepreneur a student a parent yearning to craft a legacy of abundance for your lineage or an individual seeking liberation from the grip of stagnation then you are in the right place and this book is just RIGHT for you. Remember opportunities come and go but make sure not to let this one miss you. Say goodbye to a stressful life and step into the warmth of success that has been waiting all this time for you. Book is available in ebook at 9.99 and physical book at 24.00. Purchase at s ebay amazon or



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