WANTED Part-Time Propert Manager

Our Rental property is located in Gilbert AZ. We have had the same Tenants renting there for the past 10-years. I have been (and continue to) handling all the the following Property Management requirements 1) Collecting all the rent and monthly deposits 2) Compiling all bookkeeping records of Revenues & Expenses 3) Preparation of the Financial Statements 4) Preparing and remitting the AZ s Dept of Revenue Rental Tax Returns 5) Paying and managing the Home Warranty annual fees and the individual service call fees etc. and 6) I personally remit all the HOA fees and any HOA-related issues with the property.So the only thing we are looking for (as property management service) is for someone to screen infrequent calls from the Tenant and that someone can call the Warranty Company to dispatch Service (Fidelity National) as they don t take 1-800 calls from Canada Otherwise I d place the Service calls myself.If this is something you (or someone you know) might be interested in undertaking please let us know.



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