(Off 9%) Apple iPhone XR 64GB Black - Unlocked (Renewed)

Apple iPhone XR 64GB Black - Unlocked (Renewed).Brand AppleModel Name Iphone XRWireless Carrier UnlockedOperating System IOS 12Cellular Technology LTE CDMA EV-DO UMTS HSPA HSDPA GSM EDGEMemory Storage Capacity 64 GBConnectivity Technology NFCColor BlackScreen Size 6.1 InchesWireless network technology GSM CDMAAbout this item This phone is unlocked and compatible with any carrier of choice on GSM and CDMA networks (e.g. AT& T T-Mobile Sprint Verizon US Cellular Cricket Metro Tracfone Mint Mobile etc.). Tested for battery health and guaranteed to have a minimum battery capacity of 80%. Successfully passed a full diagnostic test which ensures like-new functionality and removal of any prior-user personal information. The device does not come with headphones or a SIM card. It does include a generic (Mfi certified) charger and charging cable. Inspected and guaranteed to have minimal cosmetic damage which is not noticeable when the device is held at arm s length. > > > > > > > > > > BUY AT AMAZON< < < < < < < < <



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