Delivery rider

Job Summary As a delivery rider your main responsibility will be to safely and efficiently deliver packages to customers. You ll be an essential part of our team ensuring that our customers receive their orders in a timely and professional manner.Responsibilities - Safely operate a bicycle motorcycle or scooter to make deliveries within designated areas.- Pick up orders from our location and ensure they are properly secured for transportation.- Plan and optimize delivery routes to ensure timely and efficient deliveries.- Provide exceptional customer service by being polite friendly and professional during interactions with customers.- Handle cash payments and maintain accurate records of transactions if required.- Adhere to all traffic laws and safety regulations to ensure a safe delivery experience.- Maintain cleanliness and proper maintenance of the delivery vehicle.Requirements - Must possess a valid driver s license for motorcycles or scooters if applicable.- Physical fitness to handle the demands of the job including lifting and carrying packages.- Excellent time management skills to ensure prompt deliveries.- Strong communication skills to interact with customers and team members.- Familiarity with local streets landmarks and traffic patterns.- Ability to work in various weather conditions.If you re excited about being a part of our delivery team and have what it takes we d love to hear from you Just let me know if you need any more information or have any other questions



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