24981 1962 Jaguar XKE Series I

Iconic 1962 Jaguar XKE Series I 3.8 Roadster with Matching numbers This 1962 Jaguar Series 1 3.8 E-Type Roadster is a matching numbers example out of 36 year ownership. Red with tan leather interior. A good enthusiast driver quality car that was obtained from an 83 year old gentleman who had been its caretaker since 1987. Offered with factory books and literature. The chrome is good and the paint is driver condition but quite presentable overall. At some point in the car s life the rear quarter panels were modified with side air scoops as seen in the photos. The interior is in good order as are the gauges. Both the engine and brakes have recently received servicing and the engine holds good oil pressure. This is a great opportunity to purchase a running and driving Series I Roadster under the market that can be used as-is or restored to your heart s desire. This desirable and collectible early Series I E-Type represents an exciting opportunity for any collector or enthusiast of the marque. Don t miss the chance to own an iconic covered-headlight Series I Roadster at a bargain price. Matching numbers example out of 36 year ownership Desirable and collectible early Covered Headlight Series I E-Type Jaguars iconic British Roadster Offered with factory books and literature Price 79 950



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