24782 1960 Facel Vega Facellia Coupe

Rare 1960 Facel Vega Facellia Coupe This original 1960 Facel Vega Facellia Coupe is a rare barn-find that s been patiently awaiting restoration for many years. Blue with black interior. It s been sitting in barn storage as part of a long-lost collection. Highly collectible and a project well-worth the effort. With the Facellia Facel Vega wanted to show they could do sporty and it was supposed to be targeted at the Mercedes-Benz 190SL Porsche 356B and Alfa Giulietta. Like the Mercedes-Benz 190SL its styling borrowed heavily and effectively from the company s more expensive products. The square central grille with flanking sub-grilles vertical lamp clusters and long straight body lines came from the coachwork of the HK500. Available as a coupe cabriolet or 2 2 and intended as a volume sports car that would bring financial stability and less reliance on high-end products. The Facellia debuted at the 1959 Paris Motor Show. Just 1 045 Facellias were ever produced.



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