OK the first photo was to get your attention so you would want to see and read more about the like new LS2 Motorcycle helmet I am selling.I purchased this flourescent yellow motorcycle helmet made by LS2 for my girlfriend to ride on my spare scooter 2 years ago. We have gone out for a total of 4 rides totally less than a hundred miles and she is done with riding due to traffic.I paid 159.00 tax for this new so my asking price of 70 is less than half of what I paid.The only photos I have of her wearing it are when she was goofing around and trying to imitate being in Sturgis so I am including a couple of them - just ienjoy looking at her two obvious assets and then focus on what the helmet looks like while being worn. The last two photos are just for your entertainment assuming you appreciate T& A taken before her gearing up and taking our ride.If interested please email me directly at ranger75(at)centurylink.net or email me by responding to this ad. No calls or text messages will be accepted due to receiving so many spam ones lately If you are seriously wanting to buy the helmet just send an email asking and I will send you some more of my girlfriends pics as well as selling you the helmet she wore.



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