25046 1964 Porsche 356C Coupe

Barn Find 1964 Porsche 356C Coupe with Matching Numbers This highly original 1964 Porsche 356C is an unrestored original matching numbers example in need of complete restoration. Brown with tan interior and offered with its Kardex. Just out of long-term Florida ownership where it s been in storage and off the road since 1985. It comes complete but it does have rust and is not currently running. The matching numbers engine case is off the car but comes with it. Don t miss this extremely hard to find unrestored 356C Coupe project. Matching numbers Just out of long-term Florida ownership An unrestored original car off the road since 1985 Sought-After and Collectible 356C Coupe Offered with its Porsche Kardex Price 36 500



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