Freight Train Conductor.No experience.Paid training. gI68%

Average first year conductor salary was 93 000 a year in most locations in 2022.Must work irregular schedule. Must live within 75 miles of a CSX terminal in one of the cities in the list below. Or be willing to relocate.No resume needed.To receive a job description specific to the CSX terminal closest to you just email us at include the following information in the email message Your full name One or more of the locations from the list below. Any questions you may have. Exact training salary will be included in the job description for each location.Locations Savannah GAEvansville INGarrett INIndianapolis INLafayette INFramingham MALawrence MABaltimore MDCumberland MDPortland MEWaterville MEDetroit MILansing MIBuffalo NYSelkirk NYSyracuse NYCincinnati OHCleveland OHColumbus OHLima OHNorth Baltimore OHToledo OHWillard OHConnellsville PANew Castle PAPhiladelphia PAGrafton WV CSX How Tomorrow Moves oe4hi6f557



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