24786 1932 Rolls Royce 2025

1932 Rolls Royce 20 25 Pullman Limousine by Barker This 1932 Rolls-Royce 20 25 Pullman Limousine by Barker is an original example that s been patiently awaiting a much deserved straightforward restoration. Grey primer with beige interior. Nice and straight body with decent panel and door fit. Original and untouched interior. Chassis GAU43 has been in storage for several years and is just out of long term ownership where it was part of a small collection. It is not currently running but has great potential and is priced to sell. Offered with factory books and literature as well as some historic photos of the car. A highly original and complete car with a clean and solid undercarriage. Quite the rare find and wonderful opportunity to own an extremely collectible Rolls-Royce at a bargain price. Price 24 500



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