Facility and Maintenance Manager

SUMMARY Management Business Solutions is seeking a Facility and Maintenance Manager for its client in Grand Rapids MI. The person will be responsible for overseeing the maintenance and operation of the facilities. The ideal candidate is responsible for ensuring the efficient functioning of our physical infrastructure managing maintenance teams and developing and implementing comprehensive maintenance programs. RESPONSIBILITIES Develop and implement a comprehensive maintenance program to ensure the ongoing operational integrity of all facilities and equipment. Create and manage preventive maintenance schedules ensuring the timely servicing of critical systems and equipment. Oversee the repair and replacement of faulty equipment infrastructure and utilities. Lead manage and motivate a team of maintenance personnel to achieve departmental objectives. Negotiate contracts and service agreements to ensure cost-effective and high-quality services. Foster and maintain positive labor relations by promoting effective communication addressing employee concerns and ensuring compliance with labor laws and regulations. Collaborate with HR and legal teams to address labor-related issues and disputes in a timely and fair manner. Ensure all facilities and maintenance activities comply with safety and environmental regulations. Develop and manage the annual maintenance budget ensuring cost-effective use of resources. QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor s degree in Facilities Management Engineering or a related field. 3 years of experience in facilities management is required. Strong knowledge of maintenance processes preventive maintenance and equipment repair. Demonstrated experience in labor relations including conflict resolution and compliance with labor laws. Excellent leadership and team management skills. Proficient in Microsoft Office tools. Comprehension of federal state and municipal statutes codes and regulations pertaining to construction safety fire prevention health and sanitation. Occasional weekend holiday and off-hour work is expected and responsiveness during operational emergencies is essential. Periodic flexibility in work hours may be required. MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER



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