25001 1966 Alfa Romeo 2600 Spider

1966 Alfa Romeo 2600 Spider with Factory Hardtop This hard to find 1966 Alfa Romeo 2600 Spider with factory hardtop is an excellent original example that s been off the road since 1986 patiently awaiting a straightforward restoration. White with original red leather interior. Just out of long-term ownership and storage it s not currently running but comes complete and intact. An honest solid and straight car with a lot of potential. A rare find and an increasingly collectible and sought-after classic Alfa Romeo. The 2600 Spider was launched at the 1962 Geneva Show and produced through 1965. The coachbuilt Alfa wore Carrozzeria Touring coachwork and was powered by a 2.6 liter triple solex carbureted 6-cylinder engine mated to a five-speed manual gearbox. It had an impressive 145hp and a top speed of 124mph. It showcased elegant and timeless styling with its elongated hood and flowing lines. The Spider had a well-appointed interior with leather seats wood trim and a stylish dashboard. Spiders were a departure for Touring as they were made of steel rather than aluminum. Today the 2600 series offers its own unique charms and the driving and ownership experience is pure Alfa Romeo.Factory Hardtop Ideal Original Car to Restore Off the road since 1986 Out of long-term ownership and storage Highly collectible and desirable 2600 Alfa Becoming harder to find Price 49 500



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