Beautiful Pitbull Puppies

I have 6 beautiful puppies looking to go to their forever home. I have 2 males and 4 females. These beautiful little babies were born on September 14th. And will be ready to leave for their new homes on November 12th. All puppies will come with their first set of shots as well as fully dewormed with vaccination record. I have both parents on site as they are my personal pets. Both parents have great temperaments and are great with both children and other animals. Dad is a purebred red nose American Pitbull terrier and is 95 pounds. Mom is a purebred American Pitbull terrier and is normally 60 pounds when she is not nursing. I am asking for an adoption fee to cover the cost from the vet as well as food. I am asking 400 for each puppy and a 100 deposit (goes toward final price) to reserve your favorite puppy. Feel free to contact me at (989)750-5107 or at chrispoole28(at) at any time with any questions or concerns you may have. We have plenty of pictures and videos if you are interested just ask



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