24826 1941 Cadillac Series 62 Fleetwood Sedan

Beautiful 1941 Cadillac Series 62 Fleetwood Sedan This handsome 1941 Cadillac Series 62 Fleetwood Sedan is a beautifully restored example and a strong driver. Black with tan interior. This attractive piece of American automotive history starts right up runs and drives great. It s ready to be driven and enjoyed by its next loving caretaker. It has excellent paint chrome and interior. The body is nice and straight with good door gaps and panel fit. The underside is very solid and clean as well. The 1941 Cadillac models possess an incomparable blend of style coupled with first-rate engineering prowess and an excellent drive even by today s standards. One Cadillac engine was available for 1941 but the smooth and nearly silent 150 hp 346-cid flathead V8 left buyers feeling anything but gratified. With its generous 126-inch wheelbase and independent front suspension ride and handling characteristics of the various Series 62 models remain quite good making Cadillacs of the immediate pre-war era great choices for today s collectors and enthusiasts especially those who like to enjoy their classics on the open road. A GM styling landmark with great presence this extremely sought-after and collectible Cadillac is not to be overlooked. Price 39 500



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