24185 1966 Porsche 911 Coupe

1966 Porsche 911 Coupe with Matching Numbers This 1966 Porsche 911 Coupe is a beautiful original matching numbers example. Bahama yellow with black interior. An extremely honest car that runs and drives well. Clean and solid overall. Offered with its Porsche Certificate of Authenticity. So strong is the legend of the Porsche 911 that over five decades after its introduction the model is immediately recognizable by anyone with the barest knowledge of fine sports cars. Porsche produced a mere 1 709 short-wheelbase 911 coupes for the 1966 model year. This outstanding numbers matching example presents well throughout and is ready to provide its next fortunate owner with endless enjoyment.Matching Numbers Desirable Bahama Yellow Offered with its Porsche COA Price 125 000



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