Forklift and Tugger Mechanic - Findlay OH

IMMEDIATELY HIRING PLEASE CLICK HERE TO APPLY TODAY For over a century Goodyear has been redefining the boundaries of tire technology producing innovative tires that deliver unparalleled performance for a diverse range of vehicles. Our success however is not just due to our cutting-edge products but also to our outstanding workforce. We offer a unique work experience where no matter your role you ll contribute to the development manufacturing and marketing of some of the world s most innovative tire products. We re looking for motivated individuals who can inspire greatness and understand that job satisfaction and career success start with support and investment. At Goodyear we invest upwards of 1000 hours into our new hires ensuring they can make quality products safely. If you seek a rewarding challenging career join us on this exciting journey. Base Pay 28.21 an hour. The forklift and tugger mechanic performs general maintenance and overhaul of internal combustion engines and electric tuggers. Maintains good housekeeping in job work areas. Obtains necessary material required for job and complete proper job work orders or other documentation required within maintenance operation. Returns unused materials to storage. Assists in maintaining inventory of replacement parts for engines and vehicles.Punctuality and attendance are extremely important to the success of the operations in general as well as contributing to an overall positive team atmosphere. Dependable job attendance is expected. Shift Information 12-hr shift (Shift can be days or nights determined by plant) 2-2-3 work schedule (one week you would work Monday and Tuesday off on Wednesday and Thursday then work Friday- Sunday. Following week would be the opposite - Off on Monday and Tuesday Work Wednesday and Thursday off on Friday-Sunday.) Work Environment Findlay Ohio Plant The job is within a fast paced heavy industrial environment and you may be required to work within various areas of the factory. The job is within a non-climate-controlled warehouse environment where you will be exposed to temperature swings (hot cold) forklift and pedestrian traffic fumes and noise. Safety is our highest priority and safety procedures guidelines must be always adhered to. This includes safety wear such as hearing protection eye protection and steel-toed shoes. Basic Qualifications High school diploma or GED Must be at least 18 years of age Must be legally authorized to work in the US without company sponsorship now or in the future Required to lift heavy materials climb stand squat bend and work at heights with or without reasonable accommodations.



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