ECOVACS DEEBOT X2 Omni Robot Vacuum and Mop

Ultimate Hands-Free Cleaning ECOVACS OMNI station offers a fully automated solution. It self-empties with a large dust bag that holds up to 90 days of dust while also washing wipes with 131 F hot water to ensure cleanliness. Additionally it refills the robot s built-in water tank with clean water to cover up to 4300 sqft (400 sqm) and uses hot air to dry the mop after each use preventing unpleasant odors.8000Pa Powerful Suction with Extra-Long Roller Brush Ecovacs features a longer 200mm main rubber brush for more efficient cleaning. Made of rubber it minimizes hair entanglement and combined with its 8000Pa powerful suction swiftly and effectively collects crumbs hair and dust on both hard floors and carpets. Ideal for homes with pets.



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