21491 1972 Ferrari 365GTC4

1972 Ferrari 365GTC 4 Chassis No. 15655 One of only 500 units produced from 1971-1972 45 000 Recorded Miles believed to be Original Factory Delivered in Rare Oro Kelso (Gold) Paint Documented with Marcel Massini history report Great Sounding Engine and Driving Feel Chassis 15655 was completed in June of 1972 as a U.S. version LHD with air conditioning and instruments in miles. The car originally wore Oro Kelso (gold) paint a rare and unusual color from the Pininfarina special colors chart over black leather upholstery - Delivered new to official Ferrari dealer Chinetti-Garthwaite in Paoli PA. The C 4 was under care of the original owner until the very late 1970 s when it exchanged hands and exterior paint color. It subsequently transferred ownerships as recorded through Marcel Massini s history report ultimately ending up in southern California and New Mexico now red in color. Presently the Coupe reads just over 45 000 original miles which are believed to be original as is the cabin s gorgeous black leather upholstery glass trim and accessories. The underside appears nicely detailed and in original condition along with the engine bay and luggage compartment. An original knockoff spanner resides in the rear compartment. As one of just 500 units produced between 1971 and 1972 this example is offered with known ownership and desirable original colors. A recent service was performed with new distributor plugs and wire and a compression test was performed with good results of 160 PSI per cylinder. Ferrari 365 GTC 4s are now recognized as an impressive value with lasting appeal. They offer wonderful grand touring capability with the exhilarating performance of the 340-horsepower V-12 engine - a true gentleman s sports car. Reduced Price 185 000



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