24684 1954 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith

1954 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith with Coachwork by Hooper This 1954 Rolls-Royce Silver Wraith with Coachwork by Hooper was the Earls Court Show car in late 1953. Black with with brown interior. RHD with jumpsteats and partition in the rear. 6-cylinder with four-speed automatic gearbox. A very original and honest example that s been patiently awaiting straightforward recommissioning. It would benefit from servicing and minor cosmetics at this time as it has been sitting off the road in storage for several years. Straight body and good door fit. This Silver Wraith with its handsome Hooper body is not to be overlooked.Coachwork By HooperChassis BLW47 Price 29 950



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