Gentle Mare ShowPleasure (Juicy)

Juicy is built exactly the way you would want one to be with a keen head big soft eyes straight legs and 4 strong black feet.She is classy and talented with loads of training and natural grace. She is one of the smoothest horses you will ever come across. You are sure to love her elegant soft as silk trot and comfortable easy to sit lope. She has a lovely slow jog collects up nicely and will really extend out for her long trot. Juicy is a fancy broke mare with loads of good training. She moves off your seat and legs is soft in the bridle and flexible in the rib cage. She lopes beautiful circles and slides to a stop with an excellent turn around. Easy lead changer.She has been prepped for the reining and the ranch riding and has all of the look and the know-how to make a splash in the show pen. She has been exposed to all of the trail trial obstacles and is good minded and willing when it comes to tackling new things. We have used her to gather cows off the mountain and she is very sure footed going up and down rough and rugged terrain. She will cross water push through thick brush and cross down timber all with ease.Juicy is a sweet and fun mare with loads of personality. She is good stalled or pastured and does fine alone or in a herd. Good ground and barn manners. No vices. She is very sound with no needed maintenance and is up to date on dental vaccines shoeing and deworming. We are very proud to offer Juicy for your consideration. We welcome you to come rider her around the ranch and PPEs are welcome at buyer s expense. Current clean X-Rays on file. If you are looking for that fancy well broke horse here she is. Shipping available if you are interested. . Contact us now via at the contact box below with your Email and phone number . Thanks



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