24704 1960 Lotus Elite Coupé

1960 Lotus Elite Coup This original 1960 Lotus Elite is a rare and exciting find just out of long-term storage. Red with tan interior. An extremely desirable and collectible sports-car for straightforward restoration. It s not currently running and is missing its alternator starter and distributor. A solid straight and honest example with a lot of potential. Launched at the 1957 Earl s Court Motor Show Colin Chapman demonstrated that his skills as a racing car designer and constructor could just as easily be applied to production road cars. It was nevertheless conceived with competition in mind as Chapman s sights were set on class wins at Le Mans and the Monte Carlo Rally. A typically innovative design the Elite featured a fiberglass monocoque body tub independent suspension all round and four-wheel disc brakes while the aerodynamically efficient body made the most of the Coventry Climax engine s 75bhp delivering a top speed of 112mph. Offering iconic styling and exciting engineering these cleverly designed sports-cars are sought by enthusiasts around the world.Exhilarating and cleverly engineered sports car Colin Chapman s legendary lightweight GT A rare and original sports car icon Excellent example for straightforward restoration Price 56 500



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