Construction Worker

TKL Group is looking for full-time Construction Workers at 8620 Oakwood Drive Niagara Falls Ontario L2H 2Y6 Canada. There are 20 positions available.Main duties are as follows but not limited to Load and unload construction materials and move materials to work areas Erect and dismantle scaffolding ramps catwalks shoring and barricades required at construction sites Assist tradespersons such as Concrete Forms Carpenters in construction activities Mix apply and spread motar cement and other adhesives using hand trowel Assist in concrete forming and be able to use concrete tools such as concrete rakes trowels Fresno bull floats Assist Carpenters in finishing the back of the concrete if needed Assist in measuring cutting shaping assembling and joining materials made of wood wood substitutes lightweight steel and other materials Remove rubble and other debris at construction sites using shovels wheelbarrows and other equipment Clean up site and remove any hazardous materials Direct traffic at or near construction sites Perform other activities at construction sites as directedHours of work are Mon-Fri 40 hours week pay is 22.00 hour. Successful candidates must speak English. No education required. Minimum work experience is 6 months hands on experience.Please send resumes via email to tyoung(at)



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