Server - food and beverage services

113 Forestry Road Longlac ON P0T 2A0 15.50 hourly 35 hours per Week Permanent employment Full time Starts as soon as possible 1 vacancyOverview Languages - EnglishEducation - No degree certificate or diplomaExperience - Will trainResponsibilitiesTasks - Address customers complaints or concerns - Prepare and serve specialty food at customers tables - Present bills to customers and accept payment in cash credit or debit cards travellers cheques or room billings - Describe menu items including daily specials for customers - Advise on menu selections - Clear and clean tables trays and chairs - Greet patrons present menus make recommendations and answer questions regarding food and beverages - Serve food and beverages - Assist clients guests with special needsAdditional informationWeight handling - Up to 9 kg (20 lbs)Employment groups This employer promotes equal employment opportunities for all job applicants including those self-identifying as a member of these groups Indigenous people Newcomers to CanadaWho can apply to this job The employer accepts applications from - Canadian citizens and permanent or temporary residents of Canada. - Other candidates with or without a valid Canadian work permit.How to apply By email bestcarehire(at)



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