Cockatiel W.F

Juvenile 9 month old Cockatiel Simi Hand tame Not hopeless as a pet but will require extra work and bonding time was handfed as a baby has not been handled much lately and is a little intimidated or will make a good Breeder he is split to white faced Pearl and Albino. No Shipping. Will come With a Free wire carrier Carrier and a Food Starter Kit Pick up is In Wichita Kansas. We take pride in raising our babies to be very sweet and loving. all are on the best diets available. Our birds are not only our pets but our Hobby as well We have been hobby breeding and raising loving pet now for 24 plus years and love and enjoy hand raising all of our babies. We also raise Green Cheek Conure Turquoise Violet Turquoise Violet Cinnamon Turquoise Pineapple Yellow sided Normal Cinnamon and Yellow Sided Turquoise Conure s. and Cockatiels.and Bourke Australasian Grass Parakeets Lutino Rubino Rosie and Normal. General Pricing Guide Price is for each



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