
Employer 1100923 B.C. Ltd. (D.B.A. Northern Motor Inn)Looking for an opportunity to work in a cozy friendly and unique atmosphere Come join our team at The Northern Motor Inn known locally and regionally for its affordable quality service and natural wild beauty. Northern Inn is currently seeking a skilled and detail-oriented Secretary to join our team. As a secretary you will play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth functioning of our administrative operations. Work Location 3086 16 Highway East Thornhill BC V8G 3N5Position Title SecretaryTerms of Employment Full-time PermanentEstimated Starting Date As Soon As PossiblePosition Available 1Wage 25.00 - 27.00 per hour (Depending on Working Experience).Work Hours 30 hours per weekBenefits 4 % Vacation Pay or 10 Business Days of Paid Vacation Responsibility Manage day-to-day administrative tasks and handle correspondence maintaining and updating various records documents and files for the director Schedule and coordinate appointments meetings and travel arrangements for the director. Provide support in overseeing the management team during his absence from the office. Assist in preparing and editing documents reports and presentations Greet and assist visitors ensuring a welcoming and professional atmosphere Collaborate with different departments to ensure effective communication and coordination Perform general clerical duties including photocopying scanning and filing Handle sensitive and confidential information with integrity and professionalism Qualification Completion of secondary school is required Completion of a one- or two-year college or other programs for administrative assistants or secretaries OR At least 1-year previous clerical work experience is required Great interpersonal and communication skills Able to work independently and with a team Detail-oriented great organizing skills. How to ApplyTo apply please e-mail us your resume and cover letter to Chaeung Byun at info.northerninn(at) with the subject line Full-time Secretary Position Northern Motor Inn. Please note that multiple submissions by one individual for this position will not be considered. Submissions will be reviewed and those who we believe might be a perfect addition to our team will be contacted.Inquiries e-mail only please.Northern Motor Inn respects equity and diversity within its community. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.



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