25000 1959 Jaguar XK150S Drophead Coupe

1959 Jaguar XK150S Drophead Coupe with Matching Numbers This rare 1959 Jaguar XK150 S 3.4 Litre Drophead Coupe is a remarkable survivor that retains its original matching numbers engine and has been under the same ownership since 1966. Throughout this incredible 57-year ownership the Jaguar was treated as a member of the family and diligently maintained. While used regularly for a number of years including a trip to the East Coast written notes on file show that in 1988 its odometer read 56 200 miles just shy of the 56 411 the odometer currently shows. The Jaguar shows a patina from its careful use and retains many original finishes including the vast majority of its original paint. Offered with its Heritage Certificate and tool kit. After years of static storage it will require mechanical attention prior to road use. The S model benefits from a revised cylinder head and three 2 SU carburetors to produce 250hp a full 60 hp more than the standard car and 40 hp more than the mid-range 3.4 SE. According to its Jaguar Daimler Heritage Trust Certificate on file this DHC was built on January 26 1959 and shipped to distributor Jaguar Cars in New York finished in black with a black top and black leather interior. With just two owners from new and single ownership since 1966 this unrestored matching numbers XK150 S DHC represents a rare and exciting opportunity for any Jaguar enthusiast or collector alike. Chassis T 838094 DN Engine VS 1811-9 Please note that this vehicle is titled under its engine numberTwo Owners from New Single Ownership Since 1966 Rare 250 HP 3.4-Litre S Specification An Unrestored Example Retaining Its Matching Numbers Engine Accompanied by Tool Kit and Heritage Certificate Desirable Factory Color Combination of Triple Black A Remarkable Garage Find Ready for Recommissioning A Jaguar Collectors Dream Come True Price 117 500



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