Work at the Super bowl Janitorial Workers Needed-19.00hr

We are looking for Janitorial workers that are outgoing motivated and willing and to follow directions. In order to qualify for this position you will need to be able to lift up to 50 lbs be comfortable standing bending and stooping up to 12 hours. An extensive background check will be ran and must be willing to have a photo taken.All cleaners play an important role in ensuring that the Super Bowl 58 tailgate events run smoothly and that attendees have a positive experience. They are responsible for creating and maintaining a clean and safe environment for all fans in attendanceEmployees are responsible for the following Maintain the cleanliness of the event area Collect and dispose of trash on floor Monitor assigned eating areas for trash and debris Empty trash receptacles and change trash liners in a timely manner Move trash to dumpster using a provided cart Break down cardboard boxes as needed Transport trash to the dumpster and return empty cart to assigned areas as needed Unload trash from carts into the dumpster Maintain and clean equipment Monitor dumpsters when reaching near capacity and report to the Manager if at capacity Maintain restrooms and surrounding areas free of trash and debris Replenish supplies such as soap toilet paper and paper towels as needed Follow all safety and health regulations when working Report and clean spilled food and drinks QualificationsStrong physical condition Able to lift 50lbs Ability to work quickly and efficiently Ability to follow instructions and work independently Team player attitude Able to pass an extensive background check Pay is 19.00 hrShifts- Am shift must be willing and able to work overtime and weekends



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