One.12week old yorkipoo puppy

Wag.wag is energetic playful and like to snuggle she does not bark like most dogs of her breed which is a plus.she is trained to go potty on a puppy pee pad only.she gets along with other dogs cats and children.if your looking for a companion look no more yorkipoos like to be by there owners side at all times.they are very loyal and are easy to train and they are fast learners makes great travel dogs and is good around crowds. She is eating hardfood treats and she is dewormed both parents are on site and are up to date on all there shots and dewormed as well.if you want to see more pics or videos of Wag.wag or her mom and dad let me know.i except cashapp paypal and cash no checks I will be checking the cash to make sure it s real.price can be negotiable.I am willing to deliver to new home as long as it s not too far or meet half can contact me thru here or phone.please leave a message letting me know your interested in the puppy and I will number is 360-235-0448.i have included a pitchure of the mom and dad it s the last pic.i also have another female yorkipoo puppy as well if want to see her i have a separate ad for her.and another ad with both yorkipoo pups together. thanlyou for your time and interest in this ad hope to do business with you soon



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