Commercial Batting Cage Setup

This is a whole batting cage system. It was removed from a park after COVID hit and the park closed for good. Been sitting for 2 years as it was bought at auction. All items are as is. It has 4 pitching machines. Each machine holds 600 baseballs or 400 softballs. New balls will be needed as the old ones are in pretty worn. Netting and complete pole structure is taken apart and on pallets. 3 rolls of chain link fencing is also on a pallet. Coin machines and wiring is also there. This was an up and running system before the business closed its doors. There is no shipping for this item. You must find a way to haul it or make arrangements to have it picked up and shipped to you. We have no way of loading any of this as it s at my personal residence so a bigger tractor with forks or an outdoor forklift will be needed. Text 315-909-3303 with any questions.



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