
Discover the epitome of urban elegance combined with waterfront serenity at Skyline Terrace. This condo offers a rare opportunity to embrace both the energy of the city and the serenity of waterfront living. It captivating two-bedroom two-bathroom situated on the 1st Floor with the added allure of a small backyard unwind and rejuvenate in your own private oasis this residence offers a lifestyle unlike any other. This gated community also has a outdoor Pool offering a refreshing escape during the warmer months and a place to socialize with neighbors. Location benefit from easy access to urban conveniences from dining and shopping to entertainment and transportation. You can immerse yourself in Flushing s diverse cultural scene marked by vibrant markets and cultural celebrations that honor the neighborhood s heritage. Condo currently has assessment fee of 104.21 per month tax 3173 yearmaintaince 361.24 month address 25-36 120th Street A1E Flushing NY 11354 Agent 646-662-8888 347-630-6498



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