Senior Right of Way Agent

How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 4drenuv6 by Nov 29. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with 270 reviews. NEW HIGHER SALARY 54 197 - 94 844 The ChallengeWe are hiring a senior Right of Way (ROW) Agent to join our Division 9 ROW team that manages our acquisition of all necessary Rights of Way and Easements for the construction improvement of all highway projects on the state highway system. In this role you will Supervise assist plan manage negotiate direct and coordinate highway right of way acquisitions and relocations on primary secondary urban and other projects assigned to the Division. Assist our Division ROW Agent in directing the daily goals and responsibilities. Lead more complex and specialized acquisitions requiring senior analytical problem solving negotiation and communications skills. Assist the Division Agent with management of the negotiation and acquisition of rights of way for the construction and maintenance of the state transportation network. Provide property management including maintenance and rental of properties acquired for future projects until such time they can be removed. Lead the inspection abatement and demolition of structures acquired by NCDOT that must be removed from the ROW. Provide right of way information documentation within NCDOT to the public and to other government agencies. Indirectly supervise Real Property Agents and assist in the management and supervision of negotiations and acquisitions of rights of way for the construction and maintenance of the state transportation network through NCDOT staff and private consulting firms. Supervise other agents and provide technical assistance regarding negotiations relocations construction policies and procedures to the Division Right of Way office staff. Explain right of way concepts and procedures by written and verbal communications. Monitor and track schedules and workloads within the Division to ensure timely right of way acquisition completion and project letting. Assist with the training of new ROW agents and coordinate ROW acquisition activities with government agencies other NCDOT teams and property owners. Sell residual and surplus property manage assets and provide oversight of consultants and property management contracts. What You BringNegotiations and relocation experience including a thorough knowledge of the Uniform Relocation and Real Property Act as it relates to right of way relocations. Working knowledge of plan reading. Project management experience. Experience preparing and researching legal instruments and public records drafting deed descriptions and measuring right of way areas. Experience managing multiple priorities within time constraints. Education & ExperienceMasters degree in Business Economics Real Estate or related field and 1 years of experience in the development appraisal or brokerage of commercial industrial real estate or Bachelors degree in Business Economics Real Estate or related field (i.e. Civil or Structural Engineering Architecture) and 3 years of experience in the development appraisal or brokerage of commercial industrial real estate or An equivalent combination or education and experience. Questions Call me Mae Chamblee at 336-760-8737 Connect to NCDOT Careers s in ncdot-careers Explore more NCDOT jobs s ncdotjobs Curious s JoinNCDOT



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