Retail store supervisor

LanguagesEnglishEducationSecondary (high) school graduation certificate ExperienceExperience an assetWork settingRetail service establishment Rural area Remote location Retail business On-site customer service ResponsibilitiesTasksSupervise staff (apprentices stages hands design team etc.) Assign sales workers to duties Hire and train or arrange for training of staff Order merchandise Establish work schedules Prepare reports on sales volumes merchandising and personnel matters Organize and maintain inventory Resolve problems that arise such as customer complaints and supply shortages Supervise and co-ordinate activities of workers Conduct performance reviews Supervision1 to 2 people Additional informationTransportation travel informationOwn transportation Own vehicle Work conditions and physical capabilitiesFast-paced environment Work under pressure Tight deadlines Attention to detail Walking Sitting Personal suitabilityAccurate Client focus Efficient interpersonal skills Excellent oral communication Flexibility Organized Reliability Team player Dependability Ability to multitask BenefitsOther benefitsParking available



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