25009 1956 Bentley S1 Left-Hand Drive

1956 Bentley S1 Left-Hand Drive This 1956 Bentley S1 is a rare and desirable Left-Hand Drive model and a good driver quality example. Silver over blue with red vinyl interior. It runs and drives well and is very presentable overall. Very acceptable paint but the chrome is showing some pitting at this time. The final version of the classic six cylinder Bentley was the S1 produced between 1955 and 1959. Many agree that this was the most stylish of all the standard Bentleys. The S1 was also a considerably more roomy car than its predecessor. This highly desirable and collectible left-hand drive S1 Bentley represents a superb value and an exciting opportunity for its next owner. Chassis no. B188LCK Desirable factory Left-Hand Drive Mechanically sound Presentable driver quality example Collectible desirable and stylish Bentley Superb value Price 34 500



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