2023 Zion Offroad Z1 Off-roading Trailer

Here s a brand new highly optioned custom built 2023 Zion Offroad Z1 Trailer. We have lots of factory upgrades on this one. Find your perfect off the grid campsite and call it home with this Z1 trailer With accessory mounts on both sides the roof and front there are endless options on how it can be customized. This trailer comfortably sleeps 2-3 adults and fits a standard queen-sized mattress.This trailer was custom spec d with the most proven add-ons that will be ready for whatever the road brings Fully modular upgrade or add accessories as needed Timbren Independent Suspension Lock-N-Roll Articulating Hitch Upgraded Off-road Fenders Modular Electrical Box Package 2 x Side Accessory System panels (SAS) 2 x Roof Crossbars Front & Rear steps Spare Tire Carrier (Current units in inventory are equipped with 2 crossbars not 4 as pictured. Fridge slide included for additional cost)Tired of driving around with a roof top tent and a whole bunch of gear when you camp only a handful of times a year Well here s a solution for you. Load up all your gear into this trailer for your adventure. You can pull this with any midsized truck SUV or Jeep. When you re done unhitch it and your tow vehicle can continue to be used as your daily commuter. This trailer fits in most standard-sized garages and we promise your significant other will camp with you more often when it doesn t have to be in a tent Schedule an appointment to come see this trailer today The Car Connect Auto Group is located in Baldwin Park CA. We serve the entire Los Angeles County and can ship nationwide.Dealer License No. 05070 All trailers are brand new. All used motor vehicles are inspected before we even consider adding them to our inventory. We take pride in the quality of our inventory and invite you to visit our indoor showroom to purchase your next car or truck. All advertised prices exclude government taxes and fees any finance charges any dealer document preparation charge and any emission testing charge. Down Payment Monthly Payment and Interest Rate are based on credit approval. Prices do not include Sales Tax and registration fees from the DMV.



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