Software Developer

Job Title Software DeveloperCompany Name Saanisunny Asian MarketWork Location 213-1551 Cedar Hill Cross Road Victoria BC V8P 2P8Terms of Employment Full-time PermanentWage 44.50 per hourHours 35 - 40 hours per weekLanguage of Work EnglishApply by email recruit_Saanisunny(at) Company Info At Sannisunny Asian Market we are dedicated to providing our customers with the highest quality grocery products. We offer an extensive range of products to cater to the diverse needs and preferences of our customers. Our well-stocked shelves feature a variety of locally sourced and globally sourced items including fresh fruits and vegetables bakery products deli items international snacks beauty care products household supplies and much more. We are seeking an experienced Software Developer to join our dynamic team. As a Software Developer at Sannisunny Asian Market you will play a crucial role in developing implementing and maintaining software solutions that optimize our business operations and improve customer experience. Job Duties Collaborate with colleagues to understand business needs and translate them into software requirements. Conduct analysis on existing systems identifying specific needs and developing recommendations for new system installations or modifications to the existing system. Understand the dependencies and connections between various programs within a system to ensure a smooth integration of the software. Design and write clean efficient and maintainable code to following best practices and coding standards for new software. Perform code testing and debugging software applications to ensure high quality and reliability. Troubleshooting and resolving software-related issues and provide technical support when needed. Document the design development and testing processes creating comprehensive technical documentation for future reference. Stay up-to-date with emerging technologies industry trends and best practices in software development. Key Qualifications - College diploma in Computer Science Software Engineering or a related field is required.- At least three years proven work experience as a Software Developer or similar role.- Strong programming skills in languages such as Java Python or C .- Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.- Strong attention to detail to write clean efficient and maintainable code and ensure accuracy and quality in software development.



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