CDL A Driver

Ted Solomon Trucking Inc. is currently hiring CDL A local dry van drivers in Houston TX. This full-time position offers weekly earnings ranging from 2 300 to 2 900. Our drivers handle overnight (PM) solo home daily routes covering operations in Oregon to the north Nevada and Arizona to the east and the Mexican state of Baja California to the south with a coastline along the Pacific Ocean to the west.Ted Solomon Trucking Inc. is a trusted FedEx Ground contractor specializing in a 10% Drop and Hook model making it a No-Touch Freight Carrier. To qualify for this position candidates must have a clean MVR (Motor Vehicle Record) and prior experience. Class A or B certification Hazmat endorsement Verification a valid Medical Card and a drug test are requiredWe are seeking individuals with excellent communication skills a strong work ethic outstanding attendance records high organizational skills self-motivation goal-oriented mindset and a keen focus on attention to detail. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and having a passenger onboard is permitted if desired. Join our team and become part of Ted Solomon Trucking Inc. s success story. CALL OR TEXT 310-400-0967 to Apply.



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