Commercial space and redeveloppement for rent Rivire-du-Loup

New commercial space (Expansion) and commercial building (existing) for rent Riviere-du-Loup (Lower St-Lawrence) --- 13 Tache Street. Strategic location on main artery with heavy trafic. Easy access to highways 20 and 132.Available spaces Option 1 2 146 4 704 sqft Option 2 5 124 9 828 sqft Total Area 9 828 sqftAvailable now.Price on demandFor more details please leave your contact information or contact Mathieu Tessier Real Estate Broker Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)mathieutessier.comEspace commercial neuf (Agrandissement) et b tisse commerciale (existante) louer Rivi re-du-Loup (Bas-Saint-Laurent) --- 13 rue Tach . Localisation strat gique sur une art re principale avec trafic abondant. Acc s facile aux autoroutes 20 et 132. Superficies disponibles Option 1 2 146 4 704 pc Option 2 5 124 9 828 pc Superficie totale 9 828 pcEspace disponible d s maintenantPrix sur demandePour plus d information veuillez laisser vos coordonn es ou joindre Mathieu Tessier Courtier immobilier Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)



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