BIRD FERRET CAGE with stand Part No. S10015 Code No. 17

STRUTFIT PTY LTDTel No. 03 9706 8322Address Unit 4 6 Fowler Road Dandenong South Vic 3175Website s BIRD FERRET CAGE with stand Part No. S10015 Code No. 17 Code No. 17Part No. S10015Shipping weight & size Description Features Durable Wrought Iron Frame Construction Large front access door makes placing and removing your pet an easy task Cage can be removed from the stand Bottom grille and tray slide out for convenient cleaning 2 Nesting box doors at sides Bottom shelf can be used to store toys treats and more. Plastic feeder cups and wooden perches are included Dimension Overall size L80 x W48 x H162 cm Cage Only L77 x W47 x H93 cm Front Door W27 x H53.5 cm Bar space 12mm Bar Gauge 2mm and 3mm Included Accessories Removable stand 1 Perches 4 Slide out tray 1 Slide out grate 1 Access doors 1 Nesting box doors 2 Slide up feeder doors 4 Weight 17kg TypeStandard CageBird SizeSmall BirdsN.B. Colour may varySome of our items cannot be facilitated for pickups. This is because our items are located in different dispatch centres around the country and are shipped directly from these centres to our customers.Items can be freighted at buyer s expense. Please specify when purchasing if you require quote on freight. Please provide (post code and suburb) so quote can be done or free pick up is offered.Please ensure contact payment within 3 days of purchase. If paying into my account or paypal item will not be released till payment clears. Otherwise pick up within 7 days.



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