5 Person Private Office Space for Rent - 24H ALL ACCESS

This is a bright unit that is furnished for 5 members and is centrally located next to the kitchen and common area. The unit has 3 floor to ceiling glass wall and one white wall with a sliding glass door and a frosted finish for privacy. The office is secure with keyed entry and includes 1 secure filing cabinet. Furnishings include 5 desks 5 chairs 5 lockable filing cabinetsAll amenities of Office146 Coworking Community are available with the rental of this space. These include -24 7 access -Bell Fibre wifi -unlimited coffee and tea -Cold Brew on Tap -free parking -common area hot desks -fireplace lounge -printer scanner photocopier -access to events and workshops -credits towards meeting room and board room rentals Our Coworking Community is designed to truly engage our members and create an environment fueled by netoworking referrals and collaboration. Our kitchen bar is a hub of activity with unlimited coffee and tea. Do you prefer to feed off the energy of others Set up your works space at the bar and meet everyone as they fuel up for their day. Meeting with some new clients Or perhaps you have a presentation you need to share with your out of town colleagues. We have three meeting rooms available for rent each with their own unique design. Our Coworking Community is designed to truly engage our members and create an environment fueled by networking referrals and collaboration.amp up your business by joining a positive and creative community to accelerate collaboration and growth.Contact information Cecilia at 289-323-0490 for further information www.office146.com s www.youtube.com watch v SfhWAM4PElE& amp t 1s s book.office146.com space 71f3a247-805d-4f72-ab99-c49dc6b2ce39 res_type on-demand-offices



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