Brand New T-Shirt High Quality Print ( We use only the best DTG printers available to produce the finest-quality images possible that won t wash out of the shirts.) First Quality Gildan T-shirt or similar 100% Cotton Printed in the USA.SHIPPING This is a print on demand product about 3-5 working days for handling is required before the item shipped. But usually it just need 3 working days. It takes about 3 - 6 business days for delivery for USA order takes about 6 - 10 business days for delivery for Canada order and takes about 15 -25 business days for worldwide shipment. Sometimes It may need more time.SERVICE CONTACT US If you have any question feel free to contact us. We endeavor to respond within 24 hours. Positive feedback is very much appreciated. If you are not satisfied please contact us immediately. We will do our best to resolve your concern Here is the link s esvW4



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