JOB DESCRIPTIONWant to make money watching dogs at home or around your neighborhood We re looking for animal lovers like you to join Rover as independent pet sitters. Set your own schedule Work as much or as little as you want it s up to you Earn money on your terms Make money manage your business from anywhere and work from home. Be your own boss Make your own rules and enjoy the flexibility of working for yourself. Choose your services Opt for any combination of dog boarding dog walking doggy day care drop-in visits or house sitting. Get 24 7 support We ve got your back with our sitter support team available 24 7. How it works Create a profile on that shows how awesome you are as a pet sitter. Once it s approved pet parents will be able to find you on our site and contact you via your Rover profile for their pet sitting needs.Requirements Be at least 18 years old Pass a general background check Verifiable phone number (landline or mobile) A genuine love for animals (and experience caring for them too) About RoverFounded on the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to experience the unconditional love of a dog Rover improves and simplifies life for dog people and the pets they love.Serving pet parents across the U.S. Canada and parts of Europe Rover connects dog owners with trusted pet care whenever they need it. Millions of services have been booked on Rover including pet sitting dog walking in-home dog boarding and doggy day care.Additional details This is a great opportunity for current freelance dog care providers and others in the pet care industry such as vet techs and vet assistants. Teachers retirees or anyone with a flexible work schedule are also a great fit. Individuals who currently work from home students interns or contract workers looking to earn additional money on the side can also make great pet care providers. Rover dog sitters come from a variety of backgrounds and industries including customer service sales retail and restaurants (baristas bartenders servers food runners waiters waitresses restaurant hosts hostesses and busboys). Being a Rover sitter requires care and attention so previous experience as a babysitter or caregiver can be invaluable. Because of their flexible schedule Rover sitters have also worked at Grubhub Seamless DoorDash Eat24 Caviar Munchery Saucey Google Express AmazonFresh Instacart Sprig Luxe Zirx Lyft Uber Wag Shipt and Postmates. Keep in mind that If you want to offer doggy day care or dog walking weekday availability is key. If you re looking for flexible work gig work part-time work seasonal work a summer job or just want earn additional money on the side Rover could be a great fit for you. Most importantly successful sitters are dog lovers first



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