Clearwater FL Warehouse for Rent - 1358 500-1000 sqft

1.10 per sq ft per month 500 sq ft minimum per month 1 000 total sq ft available for rent - This warehouse allows labor and storage inside - This is a shared space warehouse - No public access allowedNo dock doors. No wood working. No auto working. No hazardous materials.We have 2 private office spaces and 1 000 feet of warehouse available for rent inside our wellness company HQ. We also have additional space available for kitting or shipping off the warehouse.20 x 10 Office ( 800 month) 13 x 15 Office ( 500 month)Rent includes all utilities and internet Located in Weaver Park Air Conditioned Newly renovated Shared Kitchen with Refrigerator Microwave Tea & Coffee Machines Women and Men s Bathrooms Beautiful Front Lobby Plenty of ParkingThese offices are quiet and perfect for a small business owner. We are unable to rent these offices to business owners with foot traffic throughout the day. We have extra desks if needed. If you are interested in this facility please fill out the form below it is sent directly to me. I will have the tenant manager respond back to you to book a tour to see the space and discuss pricing s 1wazTKPSDQOitgYNQ0ue15gbvwy5 Phone 424-453-8223



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